Click Here and enter PromoCode '30Day' for Free Trial
We are passionate about the markets and take pride in the quality of our service. We offer a 30-day free trial (promocode '30Day') that includes both the investment newsletter and conference call subscription.
The following are descriptions of the various ways Fred Meissner can help you navigate the investment world and manage your risk and the risk to your client's wealth:
Newsletter Service for Individual or Single Advisor ($40/month or $400/year)
- Weekly and Midweek Commentary from The Fred Report. Commentary includes views of current market conditions, commodities, stocks, indexes, and international markets. These are insightful pieces to keep you balanced during market turmoil.
- Monthly Commentary from The Fred Report. This is a comprehensive research piece utilizing various technical tools. From time to time we will have guest strategists pen their current thoughts.
- FREDalerts are published in difficult market conditions. Sometimes we publish in order to answer subscriber questions. Other times, we call attention to specific market conditions.
Click report image below for sample Weekly Report:
Conference Call Service (Newsletter, Sector Report, Portfolios, and Weekly Conference Call Service $100/month $1000/yr)
- Newsletter Service
- Sector Review Report - The Sector Review is produced on a monthly basis (mid-month). It expands upon our Monthly Review report in taking the 10 Sector ETF’s we follow and highlighting three stocks we like and three stocks we dislike that are a component of the Sector ETF. These stocks will tend to be a bit longer term in holding period from our Idea Generation.
- Access to a weekly conference call for Fred's latest market thoughts followed by a Q&A session.
Single Page Hand Out
(promo code '30Day')